Saturday, January 2, 2016

I know Christmas is over for the most part. I just wanted to enjoy the last bit of celebration and calm before I jump into writing a novel this month.

See, I rediscovered my "No Plot? No Problem! Novel Writing Kit," which sat unopened on my shelf from last year when I bailed on NaNoWriMo. NaNoWriMo usually begins in November. I guess there was a lot going on for me in November this year.

Anyway, January seemed like a perfect time to start, so I'm going to drag you kicking and screaming into this adventure with me. My goal is to update you on this project daily but it will be at least three times per week. This is to give you something new to enjoy and to keep me somewhat accountable.

I'll have a lot more tomorrow, but for now, Happy New Year!

P.S. - Be sure to connect with me on Twitter and Facebook at the links to the right!